Crete – Kournas Lake and Beaches of Georgioupolis, Balos, Elafonisi

Did you know that Crete is the largest of the Greek islands?

Situated in the Mediteraneean sea, it is bathed by warm sunshine making it having positive average temperatures all year round.

It benefits from tranquil (almost lake like) sea waters near the shore washing the sand, stone and even lagoon like beaches.

Here are a few photos and drone flybys of a few of the most beautiful go to places on the island of Crete: Kournas Lake and Beaches of Georgioupolis, Balos, Elafonisi.

Kournas Lake

  • It is the largest sweet water lake on the island. This is due to the large amount of natural springs on this side of the island which run from the mountains right down to the Georgioupolis beach, in Kolpos Almirou bay.

Elafonisi and Balos beaches

  • Are situated on the far left side of the island, at least 1 hour drive from Chania, the largest city on the left side of the island. The sandy beaches are streching out into the sea creating beautiful lagoons. Getting there feels like a piece of cake if taking a cruise on the sea.

Our 5 Tips about Balos:

  • There is an admission fee of 1 EUR per car payable at the entrance on the road to Balos.
  • The walk to the beach is pretty painful for the untrained and can be dangerous in late June, July and August because of the heat. Temperatures can get as high as 42 degrees in late June during a heat wave, so check the forecast before venturing out there. Take water with you and also consider buying some more from the canteen for the way back. Please take an umbrella for shade as there are no high vegetation on the beach to hide from the sun, and the few sunbeds setup by the locals are not always enough for all visitors wanting to relax.
  • Parking is full and can extend out on the road for more kilometers. The roads are pretty narrow, but you should be fine if you take the time to go to the end of the line parking lot, as there are always cars coming and going, you will find a parking spot even if it means waiting a few moments for someone to leave.
  • The Balos beach canteen prices are pretty much the same as every place else in Crete; you will not be charged extra for being the only shop around for 15 km. Don’t carry more than you need as you will find drinks and snacks there.
  • There is no place for staying for overnight camping from what we could see.

Our 5 Tips about Elafonisi:

  • Elafonisi is camper friendly, but there is also accommodation found just a few hundred meters from the beach so you can spend the night if you want to enjoy the surroundings some more.
  • There are a few bars on the beach, but restaurants are only in town, a few hundred meters up the road.
  • All tourists focus around the sandy and low water level lagoon, leaving the more rocky shores empty; there is plenty of space for everyone to enjoy the beach.
  • Plenty of photo opportunities around the lagoon and small peninsula; crystal clear and blue water, rocky shores and also a lighthouse on the peninsula.
  • It is a wind water sport friendly destination.

Our 5 Tips about Georgioupolis:

  • There are a lot of sunbeds for rent for a small fee or drinks only cost on the beaches.
  • We preferred the beach near the Corissia Princess Hotel because of the snorkeling opportunity given by nearby rocks.
  • Agios Nikolaos Chapel in the Georgeoupolis bay is a great view point of the Kolpos Almirou bay.
  • Did you know that water springs have made their way down to the beach. There are some places near the shore where you can feel the water changing from warm to cold as the sea water meets the cold underground spring water.
  • Lake Kournas, the largest fresh water lake on the island also drops its water in the sea in the Kolpos Almirou bay.

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